Who We Are

Wide-eyed and bushy tailed, the fresh faced design school graduate started her journey to the top of the design agency food chain. After several sleepless years, the less fresh-faced (but still enthusiastic) designer ventured out on her own to create the “un-agency”. No fancy dress clothes, no high-falutin’ meetings to present designs on 100 dollars worth of foam board and no overworked & frazzled designers. We LOVE what we do and have fun doing it but we take the work, deadlines and client service very seriously. We just happen to do it in our shorts and converse while surrounded by Clint Eastwood posters and Kitchy spaghetti western Bric-brack. It’s pretty awesome. Just ask the dog…

Fargo Design Company was launched in 1999 and incorporated as Fargo Design Co., Inc. in 2004. We pride ourselves on client satisfaction and have experienced impressive referral growth across the country. We allow clients to be as involved in their projects as they like, or they can leave everything to us. We never leave you hanging and we guarantee our work 100%. That’s the benefit of a small company with personalized service!

We have extensive knowledge of industry software and are experienced in a variety of illustrative techniques, with training in traditional illustration and digital mediums. As members of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, we not only take great photos, we can edit, manipulate and enhance them. In addition, we are fully equipped to handle web design and programming for small to medium sized sites. We are also venturing into all types of social & mobile media and have helped clients in launching Facebook and mobile web campaigns.

Our services list is impressive for a small, 4 member posse but we take pride in our mastery of the items on that list. While our design team has built a reputation for its logo design and packaging, we are winning awards in print and illustration as well. FDC has recieved numerous design and marketing awards and has been featured in leading industry publications including PRINT Magazine, GD USA, The “Best of ” book series from Rockport Publishing and Logo Lounge/Master Series Volumes.